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Saunf Ark (Fennel Distillate) is a digestive and carminative medicine in ayurveda. It improves digestion, appetite and abdominal comfort. It reduces gas formation, flatulence, burning sensation, hyperacidity, abdominal heaviness, bloating, and abdominal pain. In ayurvedic medicine, it is commonly used for treating abdominal colic.

It attenuates cramps and colicky pain. It also treats nausea and vomiting. It is beneficial in cases of mild to moderate vomiting. In addition to these problems, it is also beneficial for treating indigestion, diarrhea, and breathing troubles.Fennel distillate which has added Neembu extract in the form of citric acid de-acidify/alkalinize the urine.

Your ayurvedic physician may prescribe you SAMEERNA syrup……that is a combination of fennel distillate and Neembu extract.

This combination renders the urine less acidic,so helps to prevent higher uric acid levels,gouty situations,certain types of kidney stones.It is advisable to have 3 to 3.5ltrs of excretion of urine during day and night,for which at least 4ltrs of clean water should be consumed.This eases flushing out of residual urinary solids and sources of urinary infection

Consult an Ayurveda physician for more details.

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