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Our lifestyle includes day to day behavior of a person that includes job, activities, fun, diet and daily habits of an individual. But nowadays millions of disorders are associated with our lifestyle that we are living. Today a vast change is seen in the lives of people. Our unhealthy living standard and diet, inactive lifestyle, alcohol drinking and excessive smoking is responsible to give birth to numerous physical and neurological disorders. New technologies with advanced internet working affects our lives in such a way that every third person in world is suffering with mental stress and other brain disorders. Biggest challenge to mankind is excessive use and misuse of these modern technologies.

Our lifestyle is one important and major influence on the both physical and neurological disorders. This may leads to various serious health issues and everyone is going to opt extra use of drugs that give instant and short term relief to our brain disorders. Why we cannot go for healthy and safe treatment?

Yes, here are the herbs of Ayurveda to fight against brain disorders that works wonderfully and give long term solution for various brain disorders and also help to improve our memory. According to Ayurveda balance of three body energies vata, pitta and kapha is called health and disturbed form of these three body energies give birth to various body and brain disorders. Herbs help to calm these energies and make a proper balance in our body.

Now in this modern era everyone is fed up off taking long term medications. Everyone want herbal treatment and naturopathy. Ayurveda is one selective way to get rid of from various serious problems by means of thousands of herbs. Our efforts to make our lifestyle healthy and use of natural herbs give relief from various mental and physical health issues. Above mentioned Ayurveda plants are potent to aid with various mental issues without harming our natural brain cells.