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How To Cure Ulcerative Colitis with Ayurveda?

Ulcerative colitis is very chronic disease of human body that is mainly associated with lining of large intestine. In other words we can say that it’s serious and chronic inflammation of large intestine. Large intestine is composed of colon and rectum and in this disease either one part or both the parts are inflamed. This inflammation of intestinal lining is responsible for production of tiny sores in the large intestine and these sores are called ulcers. This disease usually starts from rectum and spreads upward and it involves colon also. Ulcers in the large intestine are responsible for causing rapid and frequent bowel movements. Due to which emptying of stomach becomes more frequent with passage of blood, mucus and pus with stool.

It is very common disorder of this modern era because of our unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. We are taking oily, salty, spicy, frozen foods and carbonated drinks daily. These are harmful for our gut and cause serious gastric troubles. This disease can affect every age group but people between 15-35 and more that 50years are more prone to this disease. Men are affected more with this problem as compared to women.

Sign and symptoms-

Abdominal pain and cramps, increased bowel sounds and rectal bleeding are the most common sign and symptoms of ulcerative colitis. And other underlying symptoms of this disease may include loss of appetite, nausea, fever, diarrhoea, rectal pain, fatigue, anaemia and continuous weight loss.
If sign and symptoms of this disease are ignored and not treated on time it causes further complications that include inflammation and pain of joints, digestive troubles, inflammation of eyes, mouth sores and various skin troubles.


Genetics play very important role in the onset of this disease. Our own genes that are inherited from parent are responsible to cause ulcerative colitis. Weak immune system and invasion of bacteria and viruses in the intestine is considered to be another possible cause for this disease. Foods we take and excessive use of certain medications are another factors for causing ulcerative colitis.

Ayurveda outlook-

Ayurveda is ancient and very holistic approach for treating chronic disorders by means of herbs. According to Ayurveda healthy digestion is one important factor for the establishment of good physical and mental health. This disease is classified under Grahani roga and it is named as Pittaj grahani. Excessive use of pitta aggravating foods, exposure to hot climates and excessive use of alcohol and smoking are responsible for disturbance of digestive enzymes (Agni). This indigestion is responsible for disturbed bowel movements and inflammation of intestine and it is called Pittaj grahani roga.

Ayurveda treatment for ulcerative colitis-

Main aim of Ayurveda is to treat the root cause of every problem by using natural and pure herbs. In the same way Yamuna Pharmacy offers you best Ayurveda treatment for ulcerative colitis in form of Acidocid tablets, Catasyn syrup, Gulvalex capsules,Atisaarex syrup and Sameerna syrup.
Above mentioned Ayurveda products for ulcerative colitis help to reduce inflammation and give long term relief. Regular use of all these Ayurveda remedies help to fight against other gastric troubles and promotes overall health of digestive tract.
All these Ayurveda treatments for ulcerative colitis are safe and formulated by using pure herbs of Ayurveda. All the products of Yamuna Pharmacy are safe to use and formulated under strict supervision of expert Ayurveda doctors. These products are free from bad effectsof preservatives and chemicals.