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Treating And Controlling Bleeding And Non-bleeding Piles (Bawaseer) An Ayurvedic Way Outs

Piles are another term referred to haemorrhoids in medical. It is defined as condition of excessive swelling of lymph nodes around rectal and anal region. In other terms we can say that it is the inflammation of tissues and veins that got inflamed and swollen near rectal and anal region. There is variety of causes that are responsible for onset of this health condition called Piles that include-

It is very necessary to treat this health condition on time otherwise it gets worsened and become more painful. Various symptoms of this condition include-

These are the common symptoms that are visible in sufferers of bleeding and non-bleeding piles. But along with this loss of appetite, indigestion, heartburns, acidity, bloating, abdominal distention, regurgitation and severe abdominal pain are the other underlying symptoms of this problem. According to the severity of disease and symptoms this is further divided into four different types-

People having low fibre diet, colon cancer, recurrent diarrhoea, history of previous rectal surgeries, obesity and have spinal cord surgery are at major risk of this disease.

Ayurvedic way out for bleeding and non-bleeding piles (bawaseer)-

Bercin tablet, Bercin oil, Bowelax powder and Acidocid tablet are the best ayurvedic way outs for bleeding and non-bleeding piles (bawaseer) available at Yamuna pharmacy. All the ayurvedic way outs for bleeding and non-bleeding piles (bawaseer) are made from pure extracts and intermediates obtained from natural herbs of Ayurveda. Regular intake of these herbal remedies helps to reduce internal inflammation and give relief from piles. Local application of herbal remedies help to reduce the swollen lymph nodes of anal and rectal region and give satisfactory relief from this serious problem. Herbs used in these remedies are digestive in nature that help to stimulate our digestive fires and improve peristaltic movements and give relief from chronic constipation exerting strains on rectal tissues that cause bleeding piles. All these herbal remedies help to cure various gastro-intestinal troubles that make this problem worsened.

All the products of our pharmacy are herbal and made up of pure and natural herbs of Ayurveda. Our products are safe for every age group and have no any side effects. Formulation of our products is done under the supervision of expert Ayurveda doctors.

These products are devoid of side effects of chemical, preservatives, colours, binders, fillers and additives.

Bercin tablet-

shuddh rasaunt, shorak, karpoor and shiva are the herbs and minerals used to prepare this ayurvedic way out for bleeding and non-bleeding piles. Herbs used in this herbal remedy help to reduce the internal inflammation and itching of lymph nodes of the affected area and give relief. It is very effective remedy for both bleeding and non-bleeding piles and it is also beneficial for pregnant females that are suffering with piles. Regular intake of Bercin tablet helps to neutralize the effect of harmful toxins and wastes that cause inflammations and itching in rectal area. It is also very effective remedy for other skin related disorders and infections because of shudh rasaunt present in it.


2 tablets thrice daily for 50-90 days.

Bercin oil-

chakramarda, nimba chaal, chirayta, haldi , daru haldi , rakta chandana, vasa, harar, bahera , amala and chameli patra are the herbs used to prepare this ayurvedic product for bleeding and non- bleeding piles. This ayurvedic way out for bleeding and non-bleeding piles helps to heal the swollen rectal tissues facilitate evacuation of bowels by providing lubrication. Bercin oil helps to correct obstruction, abnormal defecation and reduce intense itching, swelling and lumps near anal region. It provides cushioning to pile mass protrusion during painful defecation. Bercin oil helps to minimize the painful and burning sensation inside anal region due to accumulated haemorrhoidal mass. It initiates the process of wound healing and accelerates epithelial regeneration. Local application of Bercin oil gives effective results.

Mode of application-

2-5ml of Bercin oil on affected parts and inside and rectal canal and anal ring.

Bowelax powder-

gulaab pushpa, saindhav lavan, sauverchla lavan, podina, trivritta, sonth, haritaki laghu, saunf, kala daanaa and sanaya are the herbs used to prepare this ayurvedic product for constipation and release of abdominal gases during bleeding and non-bleeding piles. Bowelax powder is a mild laxative that helps soften impacted stool and give relief from chronic constipation. Herbs used in this herbal remedy help to stimulate digestive fire, improve peristaltic movements and give relief from various gastric troubles. Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to improve digestion and reduce internal burning sensation.


4-6 grams with warm water at bed-time.

Acidocid tablet-

yashti madhu ghan, muktashukti bhasma, kanak patra, kapoor kachari ghan, amalkee ghan and khatika are the herbs used to prepare this ayurvedic way out for acidity during piles and non-bleeding piles. Herbs used in this herbal remedy help to relieve heart burn, hyperacidity and various other digestive troubles. Regular intake of this ayurvedic product helps to iso-formation of faeces, improve peristaltic movements and help to rid of constipation, abdominal distention and bloating. Regular use of Acidocid tablet helps to reduce internal inflammation and give satisfactory relief. It is also very effective remedy for peptic ulcers and acid-dyspepsia. Analgesic nature of herbs helps to reduce gastric and intestinal pain.


1-2 tablets to be chewed and swallowed with saliva three to four times a day with little quantity of water.