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Vision impairment – Myopia, Hyperopia, Presbyopia

Vision impairment is a term related to an eye disease that includes various defects related to the eye’s vision. Generally, based on the disturbance of the vision of the eye, the defects of vision are divided into three parts, which are as follows –

  1. myopia
  2. Farsightedness
  3. Presbyopia

What is myopia?

What is myopia – When the near object is clearly visible from the eye and the distant object is not clearly visible, then such defect of vision of the eye is called nearsightedness. This is a common eye disease. This too, like farsightedness, usually occurs only after 40 years. This often happens in cataract disease as well. In this also, like farsightedness, people get work by wearing glasses.

Causes of Myopia

Causes of nearsightedness – In this defect, the image of the object is formed in front of the retina of the eye but in order to see clearly the image of the object must be formed on the retina of the eye. Because of this, it becomes a defect. The reason for such a phenomenon occurring inside the eye is the enlargement of the eyeball, lens or cornea.

Symptoms of Myopia

The symptoms of nearsightedness are following –

Remedy of Prevention of nearsightedness

Remedy of Prevention of nearsightedness are following –

What is Hypermetropia?

What is farsightedness – In this defect, distant object can be seen well with the eye, but the object close to the eye is not visible well. This disease usually occurs in 90% of the people after 40 years. In this, people are not able to read small letters, for which they need glasses. In this also people get work by wearing glasses like nearsightedness.

Causes of farsightedness

Causes of farsightedness – The main reason for this is the shortening of the eyeball of the eye. Due to the shortening of the eyeball of the eye, the image of the object is formed behind the retina of the eye, due to which it is not visible clearly. In order to be clearly visible to the eye, the image of the object must be formed on the retina of the eye.

Symptoms of Hypermetropia

Remedy of Prevention of farsightedness

What is Presbyopia?

What is presbyopia – the word presbyopia means – old eyes. In old age, it becomes difficult to read books, newspapers etc. This is called shortsightedness.

Causes of Presbyopia

Causes of shortsightedness – the ciliary muscles become weak in old age. Simultaneously the lens gets bigger. Due to this, the ciliary muscles are not able to rapidly adjust the rays of light going from the object, so that the image of the object is not formed on the retina. In this, the object is not clearly visible.

Symptoms of Presbyopia

Remedy of Prevention of shortsightedness