Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome- Root level Management Through Ayurveda

Have you ever heard about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?

Yes, you are right about females it is the one major reason for infertility. Throughout the world, 6-12% of females are affected by this serious trouble associated with ovaries. PCOS is a lifelong threatening health issue during childbearing age in females. So it is very necessary to know about this condition and its complication associated with the female body. First of all, we must know about PCOS, its causes, and its complications.

What is a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is defined as a condition of hormonal imbalance during her child-bearing age. It is not a condition that only is related to fertility or the reproductive system rather it is a risk factor for several other health issues. It is the main factor that affects menstrual periods that leads to reduce women’s power to bear a child and one major cause of unwanted facial hair growth on the face and body. If this condition is not treated on time it is one major cause of the onset of diabetes and hypertension at an early age.

When women get polycystic ovarian syndrome (POS), her hormones are not under control and she is a major risk of causing various troubles that are associated with ovaries and other underlying reproductive organs. One major symptom that patient with polycystic ovarian syndrome notice is irregular menstruation or loss of periods. The most important hormones that play a very essential role in polycystic ovarian syndrome are-

  • Insulin
  • Androgen
  • Progesterone

Three main features of the polycystic ovarian syndrome include-

  1. Presence of cysts in ovaries
  2. Absence of menstruation or irregular menstruation
  3. Presence of a high level of male hormones in the female body

In this problem of females, numerous small fluid filled sacs are developed in female ovaries that is why it is called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The development of these sacs is responsible for the lack of periods which is a major cause of lack of ovulation. Due to lack of ovulation level of female hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH are very lower than in normal conditions. A higher level of androgen present in the female body is a major factor that disrupts the normal female menstrual cycle.


Genetics, the resistance of insulin, and internal inflammations are considered as the major causes of the onset of a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in childbearing age females.


The most common symptoms of the polycystic ovarian syndrome include-

  • Irregular or lack of menstrual periods
  • Heavy and irregular bleeding
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Unnecessary facial and body hair growth
  • Onset of acne
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Patchy skin or dark pigmentation of the skin
  • Severe headaches

Infertility, sleep apnoea, depression, endometrial cancer, and metabolic syndrome are the major risk factors that may result in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) remains untreated. Other complications that are associated with PCOS are gestational diabetes, recurrent miscarriages, premature birth, and abnormal internal bleedings.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) – root level management through Ayurveda

Metostab capsule, Syrup Mensulix, Capsule Mensuel, and Yamuna Arogyavardhini Vati are the herbal remedies used for the root level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda for patients with scanty menstruation.

Metostab capsule, Gynaelix syrup, Leukoline capsule, and Yamuna Arogyavardhini Vati, the herbal remedies used for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda for the patients with heavy menstruation are available at Yamuna Pharmacy. The pure extract obtained from natural herbs is used in the preparation of all these herbal remedies for root-level management of PCOS through Ayurveda. Natural herbs used in these herbal remedies help to control the abnormal secretion of hormones in the body and regular intake of remedies helps to maintain the normal level of hormones in females. All these remedies help to treat the underlying causes of this problem and give satisfactory relief without any harmful side effects. All these herbal remedies are very beneficial for regularising the physiological functioning of the female reproductive system.

All the products of Yamuna Pharmacy are prepared under the supervision of expert Ayurveda doctors and untoward bad effects of preservatives, chemicals, colors, binders, and fillers. Regular intake of these products does not harm the chemical and biological structure of body cells because natural herbs are used in their formulation.

Herbal products with full ingredient detail for the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)-

Metostab capsule kanchnaar, haritaki, vibhtaki, amalaki, varun, guggul, brahmi, gokshur, shigru patra, kanchnar ghan, hartaki ghan, vibhtaki ghan, amalaki ghan, brahmi ghan, gokshur ghan, varun ghan, shigru patra ghan, shilajit, tamra bhasma, shuska kaseesaka, shuddha gandhaka and khatika are the herbs and minerals used to prepare this herbo-mineral remedy for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda.

Dosage– 1-2 capsules thrice daily is recommended as an adult dose for 50-90 days regularly.

Syrup Mensulix– mishreyak, hapusha, harmal, kala jaji, jatamansi, mooli beej, annamaya, manjistha, karpas mool tawak, gajar beej, ulat kambal and sitaab are the herbs used in the formulation of this herbal remedy for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) through Ayurveda. Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to improve both the quantity and flow of menstruation in sufferers of  PCOS. It is also a beneficial remedy for dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, and premenstrual syndrome. Mensulix helps to treat various other troubles of ovaries and fallopian tubes. It helps to promote easy and smooth sailing of ova through fallopian tubes in sufferers of PCOS.

Dosage- 2-3 teaspoonful thrice daily regularly for 50-90 days in case of above-described symptoms.

Mensule capsule – quercus infectoria, butea frondosa, black bitumen, mandoor bhasma, burnt ovi testa, acacia Arabica and strychnos nuxvomica are the herbs used in the preparation of this herbal remedy for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda. Mensule capsule is very effective for those females that are suffering from amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea, and premenstrual tension. Regular intake of this remedy helps to control the secretion of hormones in the body and give long term relief from menstrual troubles.

Dosage- 1 to 2 capsules thrice daily for 50-90 days regularly is recommended as an adult dose.

Gynaelix syrup- Sarca indica, Ficus glomerata, Berberis aristata, Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis, Cesalpennia sappan, Curcumin cyminum, Narsdosatychs jatamansi, Cyperus rotundus, Nelumbium  specicosum, Cerdrus deodara, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Phyllanthus emblica, Mangifera indica, Adhatoda vesica, Santalum album, Hibiscus rosa sinesis, Withania somnifera, Asparagus rasemosus, Putranjiva roxburghii, Mesua ferra, Argyreia speciosa, Acacia arabica,  Symplocos racemosus and Gum ficus religiosa are the herbs used to prepare Gynaelix the herbal remedy for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda.

Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to control the excessive secretion of hormones in the body and control irregular and heavy menstrual flow. It helps to strengthen uterine muscles and give relief from various other troubles of the female reproductive system.

Dosage- 3 to 4 teaspoon full thrice daily for 50-90 days regularly is recommended as adult dose as for above-decribed symptoms.

Leukoline capsules- majuphal, kamarkas, shudh shilajit, mandoor bhasma, kukkutandatwaq bhasma, gond kikkar and shudh kupilu are the herbs used to prepare this herbal remedy for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda. Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to heal vaginal muscle weakness and also very beneficial to control heavy and irregular menstrual flow. It is also an effective remedy for females suffering from vaginal discharge syndrome (VDS), leucorrhoea, metrorrhagia, excessive vaginal moisture, and vaginal muscle lethargy.

Dosage- 1-2 capsules thrice daily for 50-90 days is recommended as an adult dose for the above-described symptoms.

Yamuna Arogyavardhini vati  – Rasa (mercury), Loha bhasmaAbhrak bhasma, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalki, Shilajatu, Shudh guggul, Eranda, Katuka and Nimb are the herbs used in the preparation of this herbal remedy for root-level management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) through Ayurveda. Regular intake of this remedy helps to boost our natural immunity and both physical and mental strength. Herbs and minerals used in this remedy are very beneficial for the digestive system. Regular use of Yamuna Arogyavardhini Vati helps to fight against chronic constipation that is the underlying cause of hormonal imbalance in the female patient body.

Dosage– 2 tablets thrice daily are recommended as adult dose regularly for 50-90 days.
