Preventing And Combating Corona Virus And Its Symptoms Through Ayurveda

Corona virus is the type of viruses that is responsible to attack on the respiratory tract in birds and mammals typically. But this time serious outbreak of this harmful virus also attacks human beings living in various countries throughout the world. According to doctors manifestation of symptoms due to Corona virus infection reflect as common cold, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and this virus is also responsible for infection of gut. Typically this virus seems responsible for causing common colds more than any other serious disorders.

According to scientific studies Corona virus infects various animals like mice, rats, dogs, bats, horses, pigs and cattle. But this time the virus is transmitted to human beings and becoming very fatal and life threatening. This time Corona virus made outbreak in month of December 2019 in China and as a result nomenclature as COVID-19 OR CORONA-VIRUS DISEASE -19.

First Corona virus was detected in 1937 and that time it caused infectious bronchitis in birds. OC43 and 229E are two types of Corona virus that are responsible for causing common colds in humans. Corona is a Latin word and its literal meaning is crown and virus that has crown like projections is called corona virus. This virus often occurs and multiplies in winter and spring season.


Common cold and flu like conditions are preliminary symptoms of onset of Corona virus. Symptoms vary from person to person depending upon immunity of the sufferer severity of disease. It can be serious and also may be fatal with manifestations including

  • Excessive dry throat and soreness
  • Continuous sneezing
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Cough
  • High grade fever in some cases
  • Exacerbated asthma

Transmission of corona virus:

Main and simple modes of transmission of Corona virus are:

  • Contact with the surface or object that has presence of virus and direct touching of eyes, mouth and nose after touching that material of object.
  • Coughing and sneezing without covering mouth and nose by the patient spreads the virus further.
  • touching and shaking hand with virus suspected
  • People with poor hand washing habits are more prone to this disease.
  • Some animals and winged creatures are also mode of transmission of Corona virus disease.

Types of Corona virus:

Corona virus belongs to family coronaviridae. Common types of Corona virus affecting animals, birds and humans are

  • 229E (alpha corona virus)
  • NL63(alpha corona virus)
  • OC43(beta corona virus)
  • HKU1(beta corona virus)

All these types of Corona virus mutate very fast and this mutation make it contagious and this virus becomes very fatal.

Preventing and combating Corona virus through Ayurveda-

Gulvalex capsule, Herbaqua powder, Exhain syrup, Asthasule capsule and syrup Pyrolyt are the herbal remedies for preventing and combating Corona virus through Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies are prepared by using pure extract obtained from the herbs described in approved and prescribed Ayurveda granthas. Regular use of these herbal remedies helps to reduce the symptoms of common cold, cough, flu and bronchitis and are used as preventive medicines for symptoms caused by Corona virus. Regular intake of these herbal medicines helps to cure common colds and flu and prevent the patient from risks caused by Corona virus infections.

All the products of our pharmacy are safe to use because products are prepared by using pure and natural herbs of Ayurveda. Our products are formulated under strict supervision of Ayurveda expert doctors.

  • Gulvalex capsule – guduchi is the effective herb of Ayurveda used to prepare this herbal remedy for preventing and combating Corona virus caused symptoms. This herb is reported to be anti-oxidant and anti-pyretic in nature. Regular use of this Ayurveda remedy helps to stimulate the immune system and increase our body’s ability to fight against micro-organisms. It is best herb of Ayurveda that is anti-pyretic in nature and regular intake of this Ayurveda remedy helps to fight against high grade fever in Corona virus.
    Dosage – 1 to 2 capsules twice or thrice daily after meals to contain the symptoms.
  • Herbaqua powder – shunthi, khus, nagarmotha, rakta chandana, netrabala and parpat are the herbs of Ayurveda used to prepare this herbal remedy for preventing and combating Corona virus and its manifestations. Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to enhance immunomodulation and body capacity to fight against microbes. It helps to cure high grade fevers and alleviate excessive thirst caused by high grade fevers. It helps to diminish excessive burning sensation of internal body parts. It helps also to neutralize toxicities caused by micro-organisms and free radicals in body cells. This remedy is proficient to minimize oedemas and swellings of internal organs caused by toxemia due to viruses and microbes. Regular intake of this Ayurveda remedy restricts the penetration of virus and bacteria causing infections.
    How to use– soak 2-3 teaspoons of Herbaqua in hot water. Mix well and let the mixture cool down. Strain the mixture properly and drink the filtered contents once or twice daily.
  • Exhain syrup – vasaka, kantkari, madhuyashti, lisodhe, khatmi, tulsi, navsadar, tankan and satva pudina are the herbs used to prepare this Ayurveda remedy for preventing and combating Corona virus manifestations. All the herbs used in this herbal remedy are beneficial for respiratory system and help to reduce the inflammation and soreness of throat. Regular intake of this Ayurveda remedy helps to prevent the respiratory system from risk of asthma, bronchitis, flu and cough. It helps to clear the stubborn cough and give long term relief. Exhain syrup is also very beneficial for asthmatic sufferers.
    Dosage – two to three teaspoon full thrice daily after meals to prevent and treat Corona virus manifestations.
  • Asthasule capsule – kupilu, dhastur, saindhav, saambhar, sauvarchal and vaasa are the herbs of Ayurveda used to prepare this herbal remedy for preventing and combating Corona virus. Asthasule helps to reduce the chronic inflammation of respiratory system and clear the congestion. It helps to treat common cold and flu. Asthasule capsule helps to augment the immunity of naso-laryngeal passage and lungs and very potent to fight against microbes causing disorders of respiratory system. Herbs used in this remedy help to soothe throat and reduce dryness of mouth.
    Dosage – 1 to 2 capsules thrice daily after meals to prevent Corona virus manifestations in the respiratory system.
  • Pyrolyt syrup – chiraita, parpat, shunthi, nagarmotha and giloy are the herbs used to prepare this Ayurveda remedy for preventing and combating Corona virus symptoms. Regular use of this Ayurveda remedy helps to control cough, cold and sneezing. Pyrolyt syrup helps to subside the inflammation of throat and prevent body from the risk of Corona virus. All the herbs used in this remedy are beneficial for stimulating immune system and protect body cells from infections caused by virus and bacteria.