Management Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) through Ayurveda

Obsessive compulsive disorder may be defined as special type of anxiety disorder that affects 3% of population throughout the world. Main characteristics of this problem are obsessions and compulsions. Our liking to live in modern lifestyle and highly stressful lifestyles are the major factors that are responsible for onset of this health hazard the anxiety related disorder. Depression and anxiety both are the major factors that have great impact on our overall health and wellness. There is equal prevalence of disease among males and females. Main onset of this disease is between the ages of 22 to 35 years.

Sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder experience unwanted and upsetting thoughts or images. These repetitive thoughts are responsible for causing huge level of stress and main reason is why OCD patient are thinking in such a way. This condition of anxiety mainly contains two domains: obsession and compulsion. Obsession may be defined as recurrent and intrusive thoughts, ideas and feelings and Compulsion is defined as conscious and recurrent behaviour of checking, counting and avoiding. In simple terms obsessive compulsive disorder may be defined as condition of repetition of single behaviour multiple times. For example, a normal person in normal circumstances washes his or her hands and make sure that it is cleaned but patient of obsessive compulsive disorder repeats it ten or more times. He or she is obsessed with cleaning of hands for multiple times and still not satisfied. It is very common example to understand what obsessive compulsive disorder is. Patient of OCD is aware of his behaviour, they know that they need corrections but they cannot control this condition. Later on when this disease becomes chronic, sometimes sufferer denies of his or her repetitive behaviour in order to pretend their condition. Obsession is responsible for the increase of anxiety while compulsion is responsible for reduction of anxiety. It is very harmful disorder that disturbs person’s normal routine, mental health, social life and relationships with family and friends too.

Sign and symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-

Obsession and Compulsion are the two main signs that are seen in the sufferers of OCD. As such there are no specific sign and symptoms of this anxiety disorder. Following are the some changes seen in the behaviour of sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder-

  • Compulsive behaviour
  • Hyper vigilance
  • Impulsivity
  • Meaningless repetition of words and movements
  • Isolation for social circle
  • Repetition of several actions
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Fear
  • Food aversions
  • Scary nightmares

Ayurvedic outlook of obsessive compulsive disorder-

According to Ayurveda, obsessive compulsive disorder is correlated with the condition called “Atatwa-abhinivesha”atatwa means non-existence, abhinivesha means stubborn or strict adherence. So this condition in which a person believes in the condition that does not exist or which are not correct is called atatwa-abhinivesha. Every time the person suffering from this disorder will be in confusion of acceptance of truth.

Various reasons for onset of this disease according to Ayurveda are-

  • Intake of contaminated food and water
  • Suppression of natural urges
  • Excessive intake of extreme cold and hot foods and drinks
  • Stress, anxiety, depression
  • Grief and fear

According to Ayurveda excessive intake of above mentioned factors are responsible for aggravation of vata dosha in body. This vitiated vata dosha affects rajah and tamah in the individual with poor mental ability or suffering from depression and anxiety. All these factors are responsible for making adverse effect on both hriday (heart) and mastishak (brain). So imbalance of doshas and dhatus are the major factor that a person is not able to recognise between good and bad and myths and truth. This confusion persists for long and become a daily routine. Later on this condition of daily routine becomes Atatva-abhinivesha or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Management of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) through Ayurveda-

Obsessive compulsive disorder is very challenging anxiety related condition that is responsible for disturbing mental and physical health. Main allopathic medicines that are prescribed to cure this condition are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). No doubt these medications help to increase serotonin level in brain but for long they are not safe and cause various other fatal effects. Feeling shaky or anxious, sick, diarrhoea or constipation, sleeping troubles and recurrent headaches are the various side-effects of taking these allopathic medicines. Herbal medicines the- natural herbs are the one simple and safe way to get rid of this harmful condition called obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD). Sery capsules, Vigoprot powder and Ashworange syrup are various herbal remedies used for the management of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) available at Yamuna pharmacy.

All these products of Yamuna pharmacy for the management of Obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) are made of using natural and pure extract of herbs. All the products of our pharmacy are safe for every age group. Our products are free from any type of side effects of chemicals, preservatives, additives, colours and binders. Our products are formulated under the strict supervision of expert Ayurveda doctors.

  • Sery capsules – Brahmi, Tagar, Jatamansi, Ashwagandha, Ext Brahmi, Ext Tagar, Ext. Jatamansi and Ext. Ashwagandha are the herbs used in formulation of this herbal remedy for management of obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD).The herbs used in this remedy are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and nervine in nature. Regular intake of this herbal capsule helps to increase natural serotonin level of brain and help to fight against obsession and compulsion of this disorder. Herbs used in this remedy are very effective for brain and help to control the repetitive movements in sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder. Regular intake of this remedy helps to improve our natural immunity, brain strength and physical stamina.
    Dosage– 1 to 2 capsules twice daily after meals with normal water.
  • Vigoprot powder – ashwagandha ghan, gokhru ghan, shatavari ghan, amalaki ghan, shankhpushpi ghan, khatika, kasheer shushka, ksheer medorahit and coco powder are the various herbs used to prepare this herbal remedy for the management of obsessive compulsive disorder. Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to control and improve the functions of nervous system. regular intake of this herbal remedy help to fight against serious depression and anxiety that are the major two factors responsible for causing obsession and compulsion and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is very effective herbal remedy that fights against multiple nervous disorders and fight against free radicals and toxins that causes obsessive compulsive disorder.
    How to make beverage – Take 200ml of lukewarm or cold milk in a mug. Add the contents of 2 to 4 teaspoons of Vigoprot powder to milk. Add sugar or honey according to taste. Mix it well and your beverage is ready to drink.
    Dosage- one glass daily is recommended for 50-90 days to increase serotonin level in brain.
  • Syrup Ashworange – ashwagandha, guduchi, amla, draksha and vidarikand are the herbs used to prepare this herbal remedy for the management of obsessive compulsive disorder. Herbs used in this remedy are anti-oxidant in nature that helps to fight against various factors responsible for causing obsessive compulsive disorder. Regular use of this remedy helps to stimulate our natural immunity and body capacity to fight against physical and nervous system related issues.
    Dosage- two teaspoonful twice or thrice daily after meals with normal water.