Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy is one serious condition that is associated with our mouth and only one side of muscle of face are affected. Drooping and excessive stiffness of one side of face is one common feature of this problem. In this condition muscles of one side of our mouth get paralysed or excessively weakened. It is basically a result of trauma of seventh cranial nerve that is also facial nerve. This disease can affect every age group but people with viral infections and diabetes are more prone to this condition. This disease can affect all the age groups and both males and females equally. This disease is also very common in pregnant women.

Bell’s Palsy is not always permanent, in some cases it disappears by time.

Cause of Bell’s Palsy

Facial nerve is the main essential nerve that controls all the facial expressions like blinking and closing of eyes, smiling and frowning etc. Any type of trauma or injury to facial nerve is the main cause responsible for the onset of this disease. Inflammations or swellings of the nerves that control the movement of face is also responsible to cause this disease. In some cases long term viral infections may also contributes to this disease.

Sign and symptoms-

Various symptoms of this disease may include-

  • Drooling (salivation)
  • Severe headache
  • Mild weakness or total paralysis of one side of facial muscles
  • Pain in jaw region and in ears of affected side
  • Difficulty in chewing and swallowing
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Changes in production of saliva and tears
  • Impaired speech
  • Ringing voice in one or both ear
  • Inability to close eyes on affected side

Ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s Palsy-

Sery capsule, Hemocilin-T, Dynogesic liniment, Ashworange syrup, Azaraqi extule capsule and Balyum instant powder are the various ayurvedic treatments for Bell’s Palsy available at Yamuna pharmacy. Pure extracts obtained from natural herbs of Ayurveda are used in these ayurvedic treatments to fight against this problem associated with our mouth. Herbs used in these ayurvedic treatments help in strengthening of our facial muscles and nerves. Regular use of tese treatments help to clear the blockages that are responsible for causing paralysis. Herbs work very effectively to heal the trauma of facial nerve and give long term relief. Scrapping and piercing nature of herbs used in these ayurvedic treatments help to clear all the blockages and treat the root cause of the problem.

All the ayurvedic medicines of Yamuna pharmacy are totally safe to use because they are free from harmful effects of chemicals, preservatives, colours and binders. All the herbal remedies at Yamuna pharmacy are prepared by following Ayurveda principles and supervised by Ayurveda expert doctors.

Full detail of ayurvedic treatments and ingredients for Bell’s Palsy-

    • Sery capsule– Brahmi, Tagar, Jatamansi, Ashwagandha, Ext. Brahmi, Ext. Tagar, Ext. Jatamansi and Ext. Ashwagandha are used to prepare this effective ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s Palsy. All the herbs used in this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s palsy are anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and very effective nervine tonic in nature. These herbs help to reduce serious inflammations and also stimulate our natural immunity. Regular intake of this herbal remedy helps to fight against free radicals. Herbs are potent to fight against serious and chronic viral infections that are responsible to contribute this disease. Regular use of ayurvedic treatment helps to heal this trouble and also help to improve facial expression and mobility. Herbs of Sery capsule also help to fight with excessive anxiety and stress that also contributes to this disease. Regular use of this ayurvedic treatment also help to combat with various disorders of nervous system such as depression, neurosis, schizophrenia and psychosis etc.This herbal remedy is potent to fight with neuro-generative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s syndrome.


2 capsules twice daily recommended for 50-90 days.

    • Hemoclin–T tablet– Sajjikhar, Shudha gandhak processed with Nimb, Haridra, and Babool are used in the formulation of this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s palsy. Viral infections are one major cause that is responsible for this disease and these tablets are potent to fight against these chronic infections and septicaemias. Haridra used in this ayurvedic treatment is very powerful anti-inflammatory and it gives relief by reducing excessive inflammation. Anti-oxidant nature of herbs helps to boost our immunity and protect our body cells from action of harmful wastes and free radicals. Shuddha gandhak used in this herbal remedy helps to combat with serious disorders associated with our skin.


2 tablets thrice a day are recommended as adult dose with normal water up to the disappearance of symptoms of disease.

    • Dynogesic liniment– Cinnamomum camphora, Carum copticum, Mentha virdis, Eucalyptus globulus, Pinus longifolia, Ricinus communis and Wintergreen oil are the essential herbal constituents of Ayurveda used to prepare this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s palsy. In cases of Bell’s palsy this ayurvedic treatment helps to reduce stiffness of neck. Regular use of this herbal remedy helps to reduce severe and killing pain of neck. Herbs are anti-inflammatory in nature and help to reduce excessive inflammation and twitching of muscles associated in facial paralysis. All these herbs help to fight with chronic viral infections that cause Bell’s palsy. This herbal remedy is also very beneficial for sufferers of cervical spondylitis, low back pain and stiff joints. It also combats with sprains, leg cramps, lumbago, myalgia, neuralgia and sciatica etc.

How to use-

Take little quantity of dynogesic liniment on your plam and massage it gently over painful muscle of face and neck for 2-3 times a day. Avoid its contact with eyes and other delicate parts of body.

    • Balyum instant powder– Ashwagandha ghan, Shatavari ghan, Gokhru ghan, Amalki ghan, Shankhpushpi ghan, Khatika, Ksheer shushka, Ksheer medorahit, Coco powder, Sharkara, Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben and Sodium benzoate are the various ingredients used in the formulation of this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s palsy. This powder is very nutritional in nature and helps to overcome all the general weaknesses in body and herbs help to provide mental and physical stamina. This herbal powder is beneficial for every age group and it is safe for even pregnant and lactating mothers. Herbs used in this ayurvedic treatment help to reduce stiffness of neck and facial muscles and also help to increase the mobility of neck and face. Herbs used in this ayurvedic remedy stimulate our immunity and fight against various infections caused by viruses and give relief for Bell’s palsy sufferers.

How to make delicious beverage with Balyum instant powder and its use-

Take 200ml of lukewarm or cold water. Add 2-3 heaped teaspoons of Balyum instant powder. Add sugar to taste and stir well. Take 1-2 glasses of Balyum beverage every day.

    • Azaraqi extule capsule– Kupilu shodhit, Nirgundi ghan, Ekangveer rasa, Eranda mool, Sameerpanag ras, Shallaki, Maha vaat vidhvansan rasa, Ashwagandha and Yograj guggul are the various ayurveda ingridients used to prepare this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s palsy. Scrapping properties of herbs used in this herbal formulation help to clear all the blockages and give relief from this problem. Anti-oxidant properties help to fight against various infections and boost natural immunity. Regular use of this ayurvedic treatment is also beneficial for the sufferers of rheumatism, arthritis, neurasthenia, neuralgia and sciatica because of potent anti-inflammatory properties of herbs used in this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s palsy.


One capsule two or three time a day is recommended for 50-90 days to reduce the symptoms and for long term relief from Bell’s palsy.

  • Ashworange syrup-Pure extracts obtained from Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Amala, Draksha and Vidarikand are used to prepare this ayurvedic treatment for Bell’s Palsy. Regular use of this ayurvedic treatment helps to stimulate immunity and also promote the process of rejuvenation. Its regular use help to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and anti-oxidant nature of herbs gives relief from chronic infections in case of Bell’s Palsy. Ashworange syrup helps to nourish our brain cells and provide strength to nervous system. It is also very beneficial for children as it helps to improve both physical and mental stamina. It is one herbal way that helps to give relief from excessive stress, tension and chronic fatigue syndrome.