It is very common problem that occurs in approximately 20-40% women of reproductive age. Uterine fibroids are also called leiomyoma. In 99 % cases these uterine growths are non-cancerous but these uterine fibroids cause serious complications associated with menstruation and fertility.

Uterine fibroids are very common benign tumours that are found in female genital organs. Usually these fibroids are symptomless but in many cases these are hard masses that are accompanied by heavy bleeding and excessive pain. Fibroids grow in uterus as single tumour or also may occur in groups and size of these uterine fibroids may vary from size of pea to size of large grapefruit. In majority of cases of females these uterine fibroids are large in size. Majority of females that are suffering with uterine fibroids may experience –

  • Excessive menstrual bleeding
  • Menstruation lasting for one week or 15 days
  • Pain and heaviness in lower abdomen
  • Severe pelvic pain
  • Difficulty in emptying bladder and frequent urination
  • Chronic constipation
  • Backache and pain in lower extremities
  • Generalized weakness

Changes in genes and hormonal imbalance both are responsible for this disease. Growth of these fibroids is affected by estrogen and progesterone hormone.

According to Ayurveda uterine fibroids are categorized under granthiroga. Our vitiated tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha), blood (rakta dhatu), muscles (mamsa dhatu) and fat (meda dhatu) along with vitiated kaphadosha produces knotty, hard and glandular mass(s) in uterus and this mass is called granthi i.e.- fibroid. Formation of these hard and glandular masses in female uterus is called uterine fibroids.

Ayurvedic products to treat uterine fibroids :-

Ayurveda is one best and natural treatment mode to fight against these uterine fibroids. Ayurveda is full of herbs that help to treat this condition naturally and give satisfaction and long term relief. Many herbs of Ayurveda are used to maintain proper balance of hormones and to boost our natural immunity so that our body cells can fight against these problems without any side effects. Herbs help to maintain health of uterus and these herbs allows our ovaries to work properly.

Yamuna Arogya Vardhini VatiMetostab capsuleVyoshaadi GuggulLeukoline capsule and Gynaelix syrup are various ayurvedic products used to treat uterine fibroids available at Yamuna Pharmacy. All these ayurvedic products to treat uterine fibroids are prepared from pure extracts and active principles obtained from natural herbs of Ayurveda. Herbs used in these ayurvedic products help to maintain proper balance of hormones in females and fight against numerous problems of female reproductive system. Regular use of these products helps to prevent the accumulations of cells and mass formations in reproductive organs.

All the products of Yamuna Pharmacy are pure and prepared by using natural herbs of Ayurveda. Products of this pharmacy are safe to use because all the products are formulated under supervision of Ayurveda doctors and followed by using Ayurveda principles. All the products are safe from harmful preservatives and chemicals.

  • Yamuna Arogya Vardhini Vati– Rasa, Ghandhaka, Loha bhasma, Abhrak bhasma, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Shuddha shilajatu, Guggulu, Eranda, Katuka and Nimba are various herbs and minerals of Ayurveda used to prepare this ayurvedic product to treat uterine fibroids. Regular use of this ayurvedic product for uterine fibroids helps to stimulate our natural immune system and fight against various infections of reproductive system in females. In other words we can say that it is single herbal solution for multiple health disorders. It is very beneficial for treating abdominal pain and various other problems associated with stomach and intestine. It also acts as mild laxative and in cases of uterine fibroids this product helps to fight against constipation.

Dosage –

1 to 2 tablets twice to thrice daily for 50-90 days for better and satisfactory results.

  • Metostab capsule– Kanchnaar, Haritaki, Vibhtaki, Amalaki, Varun, Guggulu, Brahmi, Gokshur, Shigru patra, Kanchnar ghan, Hartaki ghan, Vibhtaki ghan, Amalaki ghan, Brahmi ghan, Gokshur ghan, Varun ghan, Shigrupatra ghan, Shilajit, Tamra bhasma, Shuska kaseeska, Shuddha gandhaka and Khatika are the various herbs and ayurvedic preparations used in the formulation of this ayurvedic product for uterine fibroids. Regular use of this ayurvedic product helps to fight against hypothyroidism and it also helps to control normal regulation of hormones. It is also very beneficial remedy for ovarian cysts and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Regular and proper intake of this ayurvedic product helps keep the abnormal functioning of endocrine system.

Dosage –

1 to 2 capsules two to three times daily for 50-90 days.

    • Vyoshaadi guggulu– Guggul, Haritaki, Vibhtaki, Amalki, Chitraka, Vidanga, Nagarmotha, Shunthi, Maricha and Pippali are the beneficial herbs of Ayurveda used to prepare this ayurvedic product for uterine fibroids. This ayurvedic product helps to reduce excessive fat and obesity. Herbs used in this ayurvedic product for uterine fibroids are very effective for female reproductive system. Triphala used in this ayurvedic product helps to fight against chronic constipation and also help to boost our natural immunity. These herbs help to prevent mass and glandular formation in uterus and maintain the overall health of uterus in females.

Dosage –

2 tablets three times daily for 50-90 days.

      • Leukoline capsule – Quercus infectoria, Butea frondosa, Black bitumen, Mandoor bhasma, Burnt ovi testa, Acacia arabica and Strychnos nuxvomica are the herbs used to prepare this ayurvedic product for uterine fibroids. This beneficial ayurvedic product helps to treat vaginal discharge syndrome and leucorrhoea. It helps in healing of vaginal muscle weakness and metrorrhagia. It is also beneficial for treating excessive vaginal moisture and various other female reproductive system related problems.

Dosage –

1 to 2 capsules twice to thrice daily for 50-90 days.

    • Gynaelix syrup– Various beneficial herbs of Ayurveda used to prepare this ayurvedic product for uterine fibroid are Sarca indica, Ficus glomerata, Berberis aristata, Ficus religiosa, Ficus benghalensis, Cesalpennia sappan, Cumminum cyminum, Nardostachys jatamansi, Cyperus rotundus, Nelumbium specicosum, Cedrus deodara, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Phyllanthus emblica, Mangifera indica, Adhatoda vesica, Santalum album, Hibiscus rosa sinesis, Withania somnifera, Asparagus rasemosus, Putranjiva roxburghii, Mesua ferrea, Argyreia speciosa, Acacia arabica, Symplocos racemosus and Gum ficus religiosa. Herbs used in this ayurvedic product help to fight against various infections of urinary tract and genital organs in females. These herbs have great impact on endocrine system and this syrup helps to maintain proper balance of hormones. All the herbs help to fight against various other problems and serious infections of female reproductive system.