Managing Sports Injuries Aand Traumas Through Ayurveda-

Sports injuries may be defined as the injuries that can occur in body during sports,games,athletic activities and exercise. These injuries are associated with musculo-skeletal system that includes muscles, bones, joints, tendons, cartilages and ligaments. Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries are also considered as sports injuries in some cases. Ankle pull, muscle pull, excessive bone … Read more

Causes & Treatments Of Bronchitis According To Ayurveda

Bronchitis is a well-defined disorder of the respiratory tract in contemporary medical science. In India, it is more common in adult male population than in females due to smoking. In bronchitis, there is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, leading to chronic bronchitis. It is characterized by chronic cough with expectoration for a continuous … Read more

Herb Gokshura Ayurvedic Health Benefits | Yamuna Pharmacy

Gokshura is an annual plant that grows in dry climate locations. The stem branch forms the crown that is densely hairy. This herb flower appears lemon-yellow. The fruit of this plant resembles “hooves of a cow” so named as Gokshura. In Ayurveda, this herb is used for its immense medicinal properties. The Latin name of … Read more
