Preventing Side Effects Of Chemical Based Medicines For Heart By Ayurveda-

According to studies 60% people throughout the globe are suffering from heart disorders. One of every four death is due to heart related troubles. Narrowing of arteries, blockage of heart, heart attack, chest pain and heart stroke are the various heart troubles that people are facing in these times. All these problems are responsible to weaken the heart valves and heart muscles.

Heart diseases may be defined as variety of conditions that are responsible to affect the heart. Various symptoms of heart trouble include-

  • chest pain
  • tightness of chest
  • shortness of breath
  • pain in neck, jaw and throat
  • slow or and fast heart rate
  • dizziness
  • sudden fainting

Advancing age, being inactive or sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, genetics, family history, over-weight, smoking, stress, high blood pressure and low metabolism are the various factors that are responsible for causing various heart problems. People who have addiction of alcohol and smoking are at major risk of developing various heart problems.

Amlodipine, atorvastatin, metoprolol, atenolol, diltiazem, felodipine, nifidipine, nimodipine and verapamil are the various allopathic salts that are used to treat various heart related troubles. No doubt the use of these medicines gives instant relief and we feel very satisfied but it is universal truth that we cannot deny the harmful effects of these medicines after long use. Dry cough, reduced appetite, fatigue, kidney troubles are the side effects that are experienced by regular users of ACE inhibitors. These medications are also responsible to raise potassium level in blood stream. Nausea, digestive troubles, nervous and sleeping troubles are the side effects of long use of aspirins. Intestinal ulcers, allergic reactions and chronic swellings are the other harmful effects of use of these medicines. Other medicines used for heart disorders are beta-blockers and shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, weakness and reduced sex drive are adverse effects of long term effects of beta-blockers. Diuretics are the other medications also used for sufferers of heart disorders and increased urination, increased thirst, fatigue, muscle cramps and sudden blood pressure fall are the harmful effects that are caused by regular intake of diuretics used for heart disorders.

Preventing side effects of chemical based medicines for heart by Ayurveda-

Ayurveda is the only simple way that helps to maintain balance in body and protect our body organs from risk of diseases by using natural herbs. Garli-Zn-Co capsule, Lipolyt capsule and Sery capsule are the herbal medicines available at Yamuna Pharmacy for preventing side effect of chemical based medicines for heart by Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies help to neutralize the harmful effects of chemicals and toxins that are released in body after using chemical based medicines for various heart problems. Natural extracts obtained from natural herbs of Ayurveda are used to prepare these herbal remedies for heart. Regular use of these herbal formulations helps to clear blockage of veins and arteries that is one major reason for causing multiple heart troubles. Regular use of these remedies helps to strengthen heart muscle and improve the pumping stamina of heart. All these herbal remedies help to protect our heart from harmful free radicals and toxins. All these herbs are used to maintain proper balance of electrolytes in body. Herbs also being enuretic in nature help to reduce hypertension and protect our body from risk of development of heart problems.

All the products of Yamuna Pharmacy are safe to use because natural extracts of herbs are used in formulation of these products. The products are without any side effects and good for every age group. These Ayurvedic products are formulated under strict supervision of Ayurveda doctors and free from side effects of harmful chemicals, preservatives, colours, fillers and binders and additives.

Garli-Zn-Co capsule-

Allium sativum, Phyllanthus emblica, Nardosatachys jatamansi, Aloe Vera, Inula racemosa, Albizzia lebbeck, Tinospora cordifolia and Yashad are the various Ayurveda herbs and minerals used to prepare this remedy to prevent side effects of chemical based medicines for heart. Herbs and minerals used in Garli-Zn-Co capsule help to burn fats and cholesterols responsible for heart problems. Anti-inflammatory nature of ingredients helps to reduce internal inflammation and swellings in body causing various heart problems. Herbs used in this Garli-Zn-Co capsule help to boost our immune system and improve body’s capacity to fight against heart disorders. All these herbs help to clear blockage and provide oxygen to whole body via blood.

Garli-Zn-Co capsule-

1 to 2 capsules thrice daily for 50-90 days to prevent the side effects of chemical based medicines for heart disorders.

Lypolyt capsule-

Nagarmotha, Bidanga, Chitrak, Pippali, Maricha, Vishvabheshaj, Amalaki, Haritaki, Vibhataki, Elua, Rason, Karchoor, Shallaki, and Shudh guggul are the herbs used to prepare this herbal remedy to prevent the side effects of chemical based medicines for heart. Anti-oxidant nature of herbs helps to boost our immune system and minimise the harmful effects of chemicals that are used to prepare medicines for heart diseases. Regular use of these herbal remedies helps to prevent the blockage of arteries and veins and protect the heart from the risk of blockages.

Lypolyt capsule helps to make our heart muscle strong and help ease it perform normal functioning. Herbs used in Lypolyt capsule are rich in active principles that are essential for heart. Regular use Lypolyt capsule helps to prevent our heart from bad effects of free radicals and toxins. Scrapping nature of herbs helps to scrap and excrete bad cholesterols and trigylcerides from body and prevent aggravation of heart diseases. Herbs that are used in this remedy are digestive in nature and give relief from digestive troubles.

Lypolyt capsule helps to improve digestion and metabolism that cause reduction in weight which is the major cause of heart troubles. Anti-oxidant nature of herbs helps to stimulate immunity and improve physical stamina of body.


One to two capsules thrice daily for 50-90 days to prevent the side effects of chemicals based medicines for heart.

Sery capsule-

Brahmi, tagar, jatamnsi, ashwagandha are the herbs used to prepare this herbal remedy to prevent side effects of chemical based medicines for heart and nervous disorders. All these herbs used in this Sery capsule help to cope with the nervous system related factors that are responsible for onset of various heart disorders. Sery capsule helps to fight against stress, anxiety and depression that are underlying factoring symptoms of heart disorders. These herbs help to boost both mental and physical stamina.

Dosage –

1 to 2 capsules thrice daily for 50-90 days to prevent side effects of chemical based medicines for heart.

Prevention for heart problems-

  • control your blood pressure or limit the intake of things that raise blood pressure
  • try to reduce your weight and bad cholesterols and triglycerides
  • do regular exercise and light to brisk walk
  • Lower down to giving up the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other tobacco products
  • eat healthy diet and seasonal fruits-vegetables only
  • take plenty water at regular intervals
  • get enough sleep
  • manage your diabetes
  • try to avoid the factors that cause stress