What is Arjuna Herb? Benefits, Uses, And Side Effects – Yamuna Pharmacy

Arjuna is a tree that grows about 20 to 25m tall in height. It contains conical leaves that are green on the top & brown below. The bark of this tree is smooth & grey in color. This herb is usually found in India. Traditionally Arjuna herb is used for the treatment of heart diseases, ulcers, wounds, hemorrhages, etc. Arjuna bark is mainly used for the preparation of medicines. This bark shows cardioprotective action and naturally reduces high blood pressure. It improves cardiac functions.

The presence of acetone or ethanolic & different bioactive compounds in its other extract help to deal with cancer. Not only this Arjuna also beneficial in asthma, cough, bloody diarrhea, bleeding disorders. Due to its blood thinning property, it should be avoided with anticoagulant medications. Externally Arjuna can be used for managing skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc. It balances pitta &Kaphadoshas in the body.

What are the different Synonyms of the Arjuna Herb?

Terminalia arjuna, Arjun, Arjuna, Dhanvi, Partha, Virataru, Kakubha, Kavirak, Kahu, Malabar almond, Arjhan, Maddi, Thella maddi, Sadura, Attumarutu, Marutu, Kakubha, Nirmarutu, Pulamatti, Virataru, Mattimora, Torematti

What is the Source of the Herb Arjuna?

The main source of herb Arjuna is plant-based.


Why herb Arjuna is used for treating heart disorders?

Ayurvedic point of view:

According to Ayurveda the herb Arjuna has the property to maintain the functions of the heart & control diseases associated with the heart. Arjuna is considered as hridya (cardiac tonic) that maintains the heart rate & manages blood pressure naturally.

Modern point of view:

The antioxidant nature of Arjuna due to the presence of glycosides & tannins in it protects the heart muscles & blood vessels. For improving blood flow this herb dilates the blood vessels & dissolves plaque. It acts as a natural cardiac tonic that strengthens the heart muscles. This herb manages palpitations, rapid heartbeat, & high blood pressure.

Healthy tips:

Take 20 ml of Arjuna kwath with an equal amount of water once or twice daily as recommended.

Why Arjuna herb is used for bleeding problems?

Ayurvedic point of view:

According to Ayurveda Arjuna have pitta pacifying properties. Excessive bleeding is due to impurities in the blood due to imbalanced pitta dosha. Hence it can be used for stopping blood problems.

Modern point of view:

Arjuna shows homeostatic property that relieves any kind of bleeding issues. So use this herb for dealing with bleeding problems.

Healthy tips:

Take Arjuna herb powder or kwath for the treatment of bleeding problems.

How Arjuna herb is used for healing fractures?

Ayurvedic point of view:

Arjuna herb is used for Asthibhagan (fractures). After the alignment of bone fracture apply bark powder twice daily until recovery.

Modern point of view:

Arjuna herb contains saponins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, that strengthen the bones & heal fracture naturally. It improves bone loss & maintains bone mineral density.

Healthy tips:

Consume 5gm of Arjuna powder with water once or twice daily for speeding up the loss of bone fracture.

What are the health benefits of the herb Arjuna for Diarrhea?

Ayurvedic point of view:

During diarrhea, there is plenty of motions & loss of fluid from the body. Diarrhea is known as Atisar in Ayurveda. The consumption of Arjuna chal retains the body fluid & stop excessive motion frequency due to its astringent & cold potency.

Modern point of view:

If diarrhea is due to bacterial & viral infections. The use of Arjuna chal is best as it shows antimicrobial, antibacterial, & astringent properties. It balances the excessive loss of electrolytes & water from the body.

Healthy tip:

Consumption of 20 to 30 ml of Arjunarisht with an equal amount of water is very effective.

What are the health benefits of the herb Arjuna in urinary tract infections?

Ayurvedic point of view:

According to Ayurveda urinary tract infections comes under Mutrakrichh. The patient with mutrakrichh feels burning sensation & pain during urination. The cooling effect & diuretic property of the Arjuna herb deal with painful & burning situation.

Modern point of view:

The antibacterial & diuretic property of herb Arjuna provides effective results in urinary tract infections.

Healthy tip:

Consume 20 to 30ml of Arjunarisht with an equal amount of water.

You can also take Arjuna capsules or tablets once or twice as recommended by physicians.

Does Arjuna herb really effective?

Arjuna herb shows insufficient evidence in health issues such as heart diseases, diarrhea, agina, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, fractures, etc.

What is the recommended dosage of herb Arjuna?

  • Arjuna Capsule: Take 1 to 2 capsules once or twice daily as recommended by physicians.
  • Arjuna Powder: Take 1 teaspoonful once or twice daily as recommended by the physician.
  • Arjuna Tablet: Take 1 to 2 tablets once or twice daily as recommended by physicians.
  • Arjunarisht: Take 20 to 30 ml once or twice daily with an equal amount of water as recommended by physicians.

Different FAQs about the various benefits of herb Arjuna

  • Does Arjuna really lower the high blood pressure?
  • In menorrhagia can Arjuna be used?
  • How Arjuna can improve the immune system?
  • Can the herb Arjuna be used in reducing high cholesterol levels?
  • How the herb Arjuna is beneficial in cough & cold?

ANSWERS OF FAQs (Frequently asked questions):

Does Arjuna really lower the high blood pressure?

Ayurvedic point of view:

Yes, Arjuna is an herb that can lower high blood pressure. As Arjuna is considered as the best cardiac tonic it maintains the blood pressure naturally.

Modern point of view:

The presence of Coenzyme Q 10 in Arjuna lowers the high blood pressure & maintains the functions of the heart. Arjuna herb also shows vasodilation nature that dilates the blood pressure.

In menorrhagia can Arjuna be used?

Ayurvedic point of view:

In Ayurveda menorrhagia is known as “Raktapradar” in which there is an aggravation of pitta dosha. Due to astringent property & cool potency the herb Arjuna deal with the menorrhagia patients.

Modern point of view:

In Menorrhagia patients the heavy bleeding is controlled with the use of Arjuna herb.

How Arjuna can improve the immune system?

Ayurvedic point of view:

The herb Arjuna is considered as the best cardiac tonic. If your heart health is good then your whole body is immunized naturally.

Modern point of view:

The presence of immune-modulator property in the herb Arjuna helps to improve your immune system naturally.

Can the herb Arjuna be used in reducing high cholesterol levels?

Ayurvedic point of view:

The astringent &kapha pacifying property of the herb Arjuna reduces the high cholesterol levels.

Modern point of view:

The anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties of the herb Arjuna helps to maintain the cholesterol levels.

How the herb Arjuna is beneficial in cough & cold?

Ayurvedic point of view:

According to Ayurveda, the imbalanced state of Kapha dosha is responsible for excessive production of cough & cold. The herb Arjuna has the potency to balance Kapha dosha in the body. So provides good results.

Modern point of view:

The expectorant activity of the herb Arjuna provides good relief from cough & cold.

Common Side Effects & Precautions while consuming Arjuna:

The side effects that are seen are body aches, nausea, headache, constipation. It should be avoided for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, & children. Always consume Arjuna under the supervision of a doctor.
